I understand that
there is a lot of disquiet in the village about the future of Millennium House. There have been a number of changes in
the staff and running of Millennium House which were essential to reduce costs.
Change is never easy, but it will be a lot easier and more successful if we
work together. Millennium House is our parish community centre and is
subsidised by us through our council taxes. Local sports teams and many other
groups in the community benefit from the subsidised facilities. As well as paid
staff, we rely on volunteers to keep Millennium House running. Without
volunteers we would have to employ more staff, paid for by increased taxes. So
please volunteer.
I'm still comparatively new to the parish council, and don't know the history
and personalities involved, but it is obvious to me that some people are still upset
about some of the changes that have happened. I would like them to contribute
to the future of the parish. Remember that Parish Councillors are volunteers
and are all trying to do their best to make things better for the community.
It's not all sweetness and light. Parish Councillors have different opinions.
We disagree about many things, have our say, vote, and go with the majority.
That's democracy. There are places vacant on the council, so I suggest that
anyone who wants things to be run differently volunteers.
Millennium House has been our community centre for the last fifteen years.
Built by Lottery and European grant funds, it is an asset that other
communities envy, with reason. This facility exists and is not going away, so
let's use it and enjoy it.
The December storms destroyed two
greenhouses at The Growing Project, but I will help replace them with something
even better. We’ve also started on the Incredible Edible Pensilva scheme for
free fruit and veg in the village.
Don’t forget the parish website st-ive-parishcouncil.gov.uk with
council meeting agendas and minutes; also downloadable copies of the Parish
Pump. For those of you who do Facebook, our St Ive Parish Council page is still
being updated with parish news.
Phone me, email me on martin.corney@btinternet.com
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for you to comment on.