In the Millennium House Forum Working Group, we've made more progress on transferring the running of Millennium House from the Parish Council to the new charity, Pensilva Community Association. The constitution of the charity has been agreed with the Parish Council, and now it has to be approved by the Charity Commission. I am one of the four founding trustees. There is still a lot of work to be done, getting the paperwork right for the contracts. Joe has done most of the paperwork, including the business plan which has been agreed by the Parish Council.
Sue has moved on, so we are looking for a new Parish Clerk. David Waddington has volunteered to do the work temporarily, but you should see an advert for the permanent job elsewhere in this Pump.
Don’t forget the parish
website with council meeting agendas and
minutes; also downloadable copies of the Parish Pump. For those of you
who do Facebook, our St Ive Parish Council page is still being updated
with parish news. Phone me, email me on or
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to comment on this article and other gems.